Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Worst Habits Ever...The Results Are In!

So I just recently wrote a post Worst Habit Ever...Can You Beat It?, and some extremely kind ladies got back to me about their partner's absolutely most gross, displeasing, and nasty habits.

And, let me tell you there's a few that just have me cringing, and being thankful that my husband might not be so bad after all.

Who am I kidding? All men can be...well you know................

So here's the Top 10 grossest habits ever, I hope that you enjoy - or at least get a sense that you might not be so bad off after all!

I'm sure that us Moms have some pretty good habits that take the cake as well...but we'll keep those to ourselves, for now.

3 Undressing anywhere and leaving clothes there.
5 Leaving dirty bandaids everywhere.
And, the Top 10 grossest habit goes to........

Thank you everyone who contributed to this gross list, and I hope that you have a great day!

Mama of Romance

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Ann Harrison said...

Scratch And Sniff?!? REALLY????
Oh my gawd!
The toe-nail thing gets me too. Yech!

Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...


Leah said...

OMGoodness! Scratch and sniff! BLECH!

Diva Ma @ Mommy Fabulous said...

Great Post! Scratch and Sniff takes it!

JenEverAfter said...

Wow. I don't think mine does any of that! But, then, he's been gone so long - maybe I'm choosing to remember the good stuff!

Anonymous said...

I have seen the scratch and sniff before. Makes me want to cough and heave.

Frogs in my formula said...

Haaaaa, my husband blows his nose in the shower too. It's horrible. Thankfully I have not witnessed the scratch and sniff. How unsavory!

Petula said...

Let's all say it together: Yuck!

Straight to Your Hart said...

I think my hubby does most of those, why scratch and sniff..what gives???Nasty!! Great list.

The Mom said...

Thank you everyone who contributed with their comments! I know scratch & sniff.....plah! Let's be thankful for who we have as a partner...scatch & sniff, or not. Thanks for the fun. ;)

Unknown said...

Great post!! My hubby blows his nose in the shower and it totally disgusts me.