Friday, August 15, 2008

Sexy Tip #5 For Moms

Think Condiments.

An easy, and inexpensive way to add a little excitement, and taste to your sex life is as easy as opening up your fridge, or pantry door.

My pick...chocolate of course. Chocolate mousse that is. Just add milk, and it's a yummy chocolaty goodness that easily sticks to most surfaces, and can be even more easily licked off.

What I like most about it - it's not too sweet, low in calories, sugar, you don't easily get tired of the taste, and....oh there's just so many reasons why I love it.

Just think - it can make even the grossest of things taste good!

Cost: a few dollars.

Benefits: Add tons of tasty fun to your sex life, and not to your waist line. show how much you love your partner, and satisfy your cravings for chocolate at the same time.


Mama of Romance

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Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

What about the mess? Or do you end up eating it all? ;o) I think chocolate in the bedroom = more stains for me to try and remove!

The Mom said...

Yes yummy! Lady Banana..glad that you like the thought. Sex Diaries of a Mom

I hear yah Colleen, and I just mean a little bit - but to each her own. Thanks for the comment, and good point. Sex Diaries of a Mom