2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.Okay, here are 7 facts about myself:
2. My favorite food is chocolate, of various kinds: mint chocolate ice cream, chocolate cheese cake, oohhh - Lydor chocolate are my absolute most sinfully favorite, and good old fashioned home made chocolate chip cookies. Even after 3 kids, I refuse to diet, ever. I insist that you should be able to eat what you want, when you want, so long as you exercise plenty (and what you're eating isn't absolutely totally unhealthy.)
3. I hold strong believes: treat others the way you want to be treated, be the best that you can be, live your dreams, never take no for an answer, stand up for yourself, always be a kid inside, I don't like mean people, love with all of your heart, live with no regrets, savour the moment, treat yourself, love yourself, surprise yourself, be happy, look on the bright side, never give up....and the list goes on, and grows as I get older - I am 24 years old, and much older than my years.
4. I dream big, plan big, and do big. Go big, or go home. I am a very passionate person, and do everything, experience everything to it's fullest.
5. I shop too much. Way too much, in spurts really. I like to have sets of things - for instance, I cannot buy a green purse, without green shoes, and a green coat. My bedroom is all this camel colour/tropical theme - it's all matching, terrible really. I hate it now that it's finished. I am trying to learn how to diversify my likes/dislikes.
7. I would rather clean a toilet, than clean the refridgerator. I would rather clean up the kitchen than do the laundry, and I'd rather blog than do any of the above.
So, now it is my turn.....you're it!!!!
Mama of Romance
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I'm with you on the hair thing mine is just now there.It feels funny to have it so long it tickles me and makes me think there are things crawling on me.Good luck with growing it.Oh yeah and I am feeling you with the whole loving chocolate thing......
thanks! I'll be sure to post this tomorrow! The sun is out, it's not freezing and I'm going to go coach wiffle ball outside.
Awesome, thanks for the tag. I will post this on Saturday. woo hoo
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